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Meeting between CDSA and MSA Held to Discuss Work on SPRO

High-ranking representatives of the Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) of the Ministry of Transport paid a visit upon invitation to China Diving and Salvage Association (CDSA) for a collaborative meeting on December 7, 2023, reaffirming the acknowledgement for working with CDSA on SPRO issues.



The meeting, chaired by CDSA president Song Jiahui, was attended by Xu Chun, the deputy director and first-level inspector of MSA and Bai Yuming, the chief of the Risk Management and Pollution Prevention Division of MSA, along with CDSA supervisor Li Fushan, the deputy director of CDSA’s Self-discipline Management and Regulations Department Wang Zhengqiang and Lu Yan.

The meeting began with a brief welcome that Mr. Song expressed his sincere gratitude to both for their participation as well as the consistent guidance and support that MSA has provided to CDSA over the years.


A comprehensive report was presented to MSA representatives to review CDSA’s evaluation and assessment of SPRO and relevant training of the SPRO personnel, which CDSA was endorsed by MSA to undertake in the form of industrial self-discipline since October 2019.



After hearing the introduction to CDSA’s business, Mr. Xu expressed his admiration of CDSA’s accomplishment over past 15 years, acknowledging in particular that CDSA has done a fair job in SPRO evaluation and assessment and training. He also hoped that CDSA would consolidate its achievements and continue striving to playing a better role in industrial self-discipline and bridging communication that serve the improvement and modernization of SPRO governing system and capability for MSA, and, ultimately, contribute to the protection of ocean environment.

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